Boost.AFIO    Boost C++ Libraries
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
boost::afio::detail::_is_not_handle< T >
boost::afio::detail::_is_not_handle< future< T > >
boost::afio::detail::_is_not_handle< handle_ptr >
boost::afio::detail::async_dir< T >
boost::afio::detail::async_file< T >
boost::afio::detail::async_file_io_dispatcher_rwconverter< iswrite, T >
boost::afio::detail::async_rmdir< T >
boost::afio::detail::async_rmfile< T >
boost::afio::detail::async_rmsymlink< T >
boost::afio::detail::async_symlink< T >
boost::afio::detail::container_to_asio_buffers_helper< R, C, T, is_const, is_trivial >
boost::afio::detail::container_to_asio_buffers_helper< R, std::array< T, N >, _T, is_const, true >
boost::afio::detail::container_to_asio_buffers_helper< R, std::basic_string< C, T, A >, _Ct, is_const, true >
boost::afio::detail::container_to_asio_buffers_helper< R, std::vector< T, A >, _T, is_const, true >
boost::afio::detail::do_continuation< future_type, promise_type >
boost::afio::detail::do_continuation< future< R >, void >
boost::afio::detail::enable_if_async_op< is_all, T >
boost::afio::detail::enable_if_async_op< is_all, future< T > >
boost::afio::detail::enqueued_task_impl< R >
boost::afio::detail::enqueued_task_impl< R >::Private
boost::afio::detail::io_req_impl< false >
boost::afio::detail::io_req_impl< true >
boost::afio::detail::is_not_handle< T >
boost::afio::detail::make_io_req< T, is_container >
boost::afio::detail::make_io_req< T, true >
boost::afio::detail::select_when_ops_return_type< is_all >
boost::afio::detail::select_when_ops_return_type< false >
boost::afio::detail::to_asio_buffers_helper< is_const, R, T, is_trivial, is_container >
boost::afio::detail::to_asio_buffers_helper< is_const, asio::const_buffer, std::vector< asio::const_buffer >, false, true >
boost::afio::detail::to_asio_buffers_helper< is_const, asio::mutable_buffer, std::vector< asio::mutable_buffer >, false, true >
boost::afio::detail::to_asio_buffers_helper< is_const, R, std::array< asio::const_buffer, N >, false, true >
boost::afio::detail::to_asio_buffers_helper< is_const, R, std::array< asio::mutable_buffer, N >, false, true >
boost::afio::detail::to_asio_buffers_helper< is_const, R, std::vector< asio::const_buffer >, false, true >
boost::afio::detail::to_asio_buffers_helper< is_const, R, std::vector< asio::mutable_buffer >, false, true >
boost::afio::detail::to_asio_buffers_helper< is_const, R, T, is_trivial, true >
boost::afio::detail::to_asio_buffers_helper< is_const, R, T, true, false >
boost::afio::detail::vs2013_variadic_overload_resolution_workaround< C, Args >
boost::afio::directory_entryThe abstract base class for an entry in a directory with lazily filled metadata
boost::afio::directory_entry_hashA hasher for directory_entry, hashing inode and birth time (if available on this platform)
boost::afio::dispatcherAbstract base class for dispatching file i/o asynchronously
boost::afio::enqueued_task< R()>
boost::afio::enqueued_task< void()>
boost::afio::enumerate_reqA convenience bundle of precondition, number of items to enumerate, item pattern match and metadata to prefetch
boost::afio::future< T >The future status of a scheduled asynchronous operation
boost::afio::future< void >
boost::afio::handleThe abstract base class encapsulating a platform-specific file handle
boost::afio::handle::mapped_fileA holder of a mapped file
boost::afio::io_req< T >A convenience bundle of precondition, data and where for reading into a T as specified by its to_asio_buffers() overload. Data MUST stay around until the operation completes
boost::afio::io_req< const T >A convenience bundle of precondition, data and where for reading into a T as specified by its to_asio_buffers() overload. Data MUST stay around until the operation completes
boost::afio::io_req< const void >A convenience bundle of precondition, data and where for reading into a T as specified by its to_asio_buffers() overload. Data MUST stay around until the operation completes
boost::afio::io_req< void >A convenience bundle of precondition, data and where for reading into a T as specified by its to_asio_buffers() overload. Data MUST stay around until the operation completes
boost::afio::is_future< T >Trait for determining if a type is an afio::future<T>
boost::afio::is_future< future< T > >
boost::afio::pathAn AFIO filesystem path, a thin wrapper of filesystem::path used to mark when a filesystem path has been prepared for AFIO usage. Note that on Windows this exclusively refers to a case sensitive NT kernel path, not a Win32 path (Win32 paths are converted in the constructor)
boost::afio::path::make_absoluteMakes a path absolute according to the current working directory
boost::afio::path_hashA hasher for path
boost::afio::path_reqA convenience bundle of path and flags, with optional precondition. Paths may be a path fragment (relative to the precondition) or absolute, in which case if necessary they are made canonical and absolute in the constructor according to the current working directory
boost::afio::path_req::absoluteConvenience tag type constructing an absolute path path_req
boost::afio::path_req::relativeConvenience tag type constructing a relative path path_req
boost::afio::stat_tMetadata about a directory entry
boost::afio::statfs_tMetadata about a filing system. Unsupported entries are -1
boost::afio::std_thread_poolA very simple thread pool based on std::thread or boost::thread
boost::afio::thread_sourceAbstract base class for a source of thread workers
boost::afio::utils::page_allocator< T >An STL allocator which allocates large TLB page memory.If the operating system is configured to allow it, this type of memory is particularly efficient for doing large scale file i/o. This is because the kernel must normally convert the scatter gather buffers you pass into extended scatter gather buffers as the memory you see as contiguous may not, and probably isn't, actually be contiguous in physical memory. Regions returned by this allocator may be allocated contiguously in physical memory and therefore the kernel can pass through your scatter gather buffers unmodified
boost::afio::utils::page_allocator< T >::rebind< U >
boost::afio::utils::page_allocator< void >
boost::afio::utils::page_allocator< void >::rebind< U >
boost::afio::utils::secded_ecc< blocksize >Calculates the single error correcting double error detecting (SECDED) Hamming Error Correcting Code for a blocksize block of bytes. For example, a secdec_ecc<8> would be the very common 72,64 Hamming code used in ECC RAM, or secdec_ecc<4096> would be for a 32784,32768 Hamming code
enqueued_taskEffectively our own custom std::packaged_task<>, with copy semantics and letting us early set value to significantly improve performance
std::hash< boost::afio::directory_entry >
std::hash< boost::afio::path >

January, 2014

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