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An AFIO filesystem path, a thin wrapper of filesystem::path used to mark when a filesystem path has been prepared for AFIO usage. Note that on Windows this exclusively refers to a case sensitive NT kernel path, not a Win32 path (Win32 paths are converted in the constructor).

class path
      : protected path
  // ...





Default constructor.

path(const path & p)

Copy constructor.

const path &: p:

path(const filesystem::path & p)

Converts a filesystem::path to AFIO format.

const filesystem::path &: p:

path(const char * p)

Converts a filesystem::path to AFIO format.

const char *: p:

path(const string_type & p)

Converts a filesystem::path to AFIO format.

const string_type &: p:

path(path && p)

Move constructor.

path &&: p:

path(filesystem::path && p)

Converts a filesystem::path to AFIO format.

filesystem::path &&: p:

path(string_type && p)

Converts a filesystem::path to AFIO format.

string_type &&: p:

template<class InputIterator>
path(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)

Converts source to AFIO path format.

InputIterator: begin:

InputIterator: end:

Member Function(s)





path & operator=(const path & p)

Copy assignment.

const path &: p:

path & operator=(path && p)

Move assignment.

path &&: p:

template<class Source>
path & assign(Source const & source)

Converts source to AFIO path format.

Source const &: source:

template<class InputIterator>
path & assign(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)

InputIterator: begin:

InputIterator: end:

path & operator/=(const path & p)

const path &: p:

template<class Source>
path & operator/=(Source const & source)

Source const &: source:

template<class Source>
path & append(Source const & source)

Source const &: source:

template<class InputIterator>
path & append(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)

InputIterator: begin:

InputIterator: end:

path & operator+=(const path & x)

const path &: x:

path & operator+=(const string_type & x)

const string_type &: x:

path & operator+=(const value_type * x)

const value_type *: x:

path & operator+=(value_type x)

value_type: x:

template<class Source>
path & operator+=(Source const & x)

Source const &: x:

template<class Source>
path & concat(Source const & x)

Source const &: x:

template<class InputIterator>
path & concat(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)

InputIterator: begin:

InputIterator: end:

path & make_preferred()
path & remove_filename()
path & replace_extension(const path & new_extension = path())

const path &: new_extension:

path root_name()
path root_directory()
path root_path()
path relative_path()
path parent_path()
path filename()
path stem()
path extension()
iterator begin()
iterator end()
filesystem::path filesystem_path()

Return a normalised filesystem::path from an AFIO path.


#include <boost/afio/v2/afio.hpp>
