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Returns the path of this i/o handle right now if the handle is open and refresh is true, else last known good. May be null if the file has been deleted.


Note the refreshed path completely dereferences any intermediate symbolic links to return a truly absolute canonical path, and therefore may look quite different to before. Some operating systems unfortunately also return any one of the hard links to the file, so if hard links is greater than one the path refreshed will randomly permute.

Be aware that on Windows AFIO operates exclusively in the NT kernel namespace, NOT the Win32 namespace, and therefore paths you supply are converted by afio::path in NT kernel namespace paths. normalise_path() can convert an afio path back to a Filesystem TS path for you, but note that this may not be the path that was supplied originally. NT kernel namespace paths have a 32,767 character limit and an almost POSIX like lack of restrictions on naming or historical behaviour quirks, but as a result AFIO does not support DOS short names or any of the other historical Win32 filing system baggage.

virtual path handle::path(bool refresh = false)







Whether to ask the OS for the current path of this handle.


The path of this i/o handle right now.


#include <boost/afio/v2/afio.hpp>

Race Guarantees

Operating system Race guarantees under a changing file system
FreeBSD Paths are only refreshed for directories, not files.
Linux, Windows Paths are always refreshed and ignore other hard links.
OS X Paths are only refreshed for directories and files with a single hard link.
