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Hello World, asynchronously!

We might as well jump straight in: on the left is a traditional STL iostreams implementation with its equivalent in AFIO free functions on the right.

Table 1.10. Traditional STL iostreams and AFIO side by side

  // Open a file called example_file.txt
  std::fstream openfile("example_file.txt"); 1
  // Turn on exception throwing
  openfile.exceptions(std::fstream::failbit | std::fstream::badbit);

  // Do a write gather. STL iostreams will buffer the writes
  // and coalesce them into a single syscall
  openfile << "He"; 2
  openfile << "ll";
  openfile << "o ";
  openfile << "Wo";
  openfile << "rl";
  openfile << "d\n";

  // Make sure the previous batch has definitely reached physical storage
  // This won't complete until the write is on disc
  openfile.sync(); 3

  // Fill this array from the file
  std::array<char, 12> buffer;
  openfile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);, buffer.size()); 4

  // Close the file and delete it
  openfile.close();                                    5
  boost::afio::filesystem::remove("example_file.txt"); 6

  // Convert the read array into a string
  std::string contents(buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
  std::cout << "Contents of file is '" << contents << "'" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information(true) << std::endl;


opens file








closes file


deletes file

namespace afio = BOOST_AFIO_V2_NAMESPACE;
namespace asio = BOOST_AFIO_V2_NAMESPACE::asio;

// Set a dispatcher as current for this thread
afio::current_dispatcher_guard h(afio::make_dispatcher().get());

// Schedule an opening of a file called example_file.txt
afio::future<> openfile = afio::async_file(
"example_file.txt", afio::file_flags::create | afio::file_flags::read_write);

// Something a bit surprising for many people is that writing off
// the end of a file in AFIO does NOT extend the file and writes
// which go past the end will simply fail instead. Why not?
// Simple: that's the convention with async file i/o, because
// synchronising multiple processes concurrently adjusting a
// file's length has significant overhead which is wasted if you
// don't need that functionality. Luckily, there is an easy
// workaround: either open a file for append-only access, in which
// case all writes extend the file for you, or else you explicitly
// extend files before writing, like this:
afio::future<> resizedfile = afio::async_truncate(openfile, 12);

// Config a write gather. You could do this of course as a batch
// of writes, but a write gather has optimised host OS support in most
// cases, so it's one syscall instead of many.
std::vector<asio::const_buffer> buffers;
buffers.push_back(asio::const_buffer("He", 2));
buffers.push_back(asio::const_buffer("ll", 2));
buffers.push_back(asio::const_buffer("o ", 2));
buffers.push_back(asio::const_buffer("Wo", 2));
buffers.push_back(asio::const_buffer("rl", 2));
buffers.push_back(asio::const_buffer("d\n", 2));
// Schedule the write gather to offset zero after the resize file
afio::future<> written(afio::async_write(resizedfile, buffers, 0));

// Have the compiler config the exact same write gather as earlier for you
// The compiler assembles an identical sequence of ASIO write gather
// buffers for you
std::vector<std::string> buffers2 = {"He", "ll", "o ", "Wo", "rl", "d\n"};
// Schedule this to occur after the previous write completes
afio::future<> written2(afio::async_write(written, buffers2, 0));

// Schedule making sure the previous batch has definitely reached physical
// storage
// This won't complete until the write is on disc
afio::future<> stored(afio::async_sync(written2));

// Schedule filling this array from the file. Note how convenient std::array
// is and completely replaces C style char buffer[bytes]
std::array<char, 12> buffer;
afio::future<> read(afio::async_read(stored, buffer, 0));

// Schedule the closing and deleting of example_file.txt after the contents read
afio::future<> deletedfile(afio::async_rmfile(afio::async_close(read)));

// Wait until the buffer has been filled, checking all steps for errors
afio::when_all_p(openfile, resizedfile, written, written2, stored, read)
.get(); 1

// There is actually a io_req<std::string> specialisation you
// can use to skip this bit by reading directly into a string ...
std::string contents(buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
std::cout << "Contents of file is '" << contents << "'" << std::endl;

// Check remaining ops for errors


waits for file open, resize, write, sync and read to complete, throwing any exceptions encountered

AFIO is based on future continuations as will be in the standard C++ library from C++ 1z onwards. Each continuation enforces an order of execution between the asynchronous operations.

What this means is straightforward: in the example above async_file() outputs on completion an open file handle which is fed to async_truncate() which on completion feeds the same input handle to async_write() and so on. async_close() takes in the open file handle, closes it, and outputs a null file handle on completion to async_rmfile() which can still retrieve its last known path before being closed.
